Re: Unlikely things to be said in a Bond Film ?
From the James Bond / The A-Team crossover'my name is Bond HM Bond'Bond dressed up as the aquamaniac in OPHere is your new car 007 the aston martin corvette
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Now Bond (Roger Moore) your next assignment is in San Francisco ,you will be met at the airport by a chap called Inspector Frank Bullit ,he doesn't say much and dresses rather badly ,drives a crappy...
View ArticleRe: Unlikely things to be said in a Bond Film ?
Now Bond (Roger Moore) your next assignment is in San Francisco ,you will be met at the airport by a chap called Inspector Frank Bullit ,he doesn't say much and dresses rather badly ,drives a crappy...
View ArticleRe: Unlikely things to be said in a Bond Film ?
"would you care for some of this rather disappointing brandy Commander Bond?""not for me thanks, I'm doing stoptober and raising money for charity, then next month I'm growing a moustache for movember"
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